2 minute read

Ah, politics. The never-ending circus of disappointment and despair, where the clowns wear suits and the audience just can’t seem to look away. In a recent questionnaire, the names tested included Premier François Legault of the Coalition Avenir Québec, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon of the Parti Québécois, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois of Québec solidaire, and Éric Duhaime of the Conservative Party of Quebec. Let’s just say, the results were about as uplifting as a deflated balloon at a birthday party.

Now, I’m not saying these politicians are universally disliked, but let’s just say their net scores in the questionnaire weren’t exactly glowing reviews. It’s like they asked a group of Canadians to choose between a rock and a hard place, and the rock somehow came out on top.

And poor Duhaime, bless his heart, has been targeting several CAQ Quebec City ridings like a kid in a candy store, only to find that the candy is stale and nobody wants a piece. Taking over the once moribund Conservative Party of Quebec was supposed to be a game-changer, but it seems more like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic at this point.

As for Legault, well, the numbers don’t lie. It’s looking about as bleak as a rainy day in November. With results like these, it’s about as likely for the CAQ to regain lost ground as it is for me to win a hot dog eating contest against Joey Chestnut – not happening.

And let’s not forget the comparison to Justin Trudeau’s federal polls over the past year. It’s like being told you’re on a sinking ship and then being shown a cruise liner that’s hit an iceberg. Oh, the humanity!

So, what’s a politician to do in the face of such dismal numbers? Maybe they could try a rebranding campaign – Legault the Loveable, Plamondon the Persuasive, Nadeau-Dubois the Dynamo, Duhaime the… Desperate? Hey, a little alliteration never hurt anyone.

But in all seriousness, these poor politicians must be feeling like they’re stuck in a never-ending game of political limbo – how low can you go? It’s like a sadistic version of the hokey pokey, where you put your right foot in and then promptly get kicked out.

In conclusion, the world of politics is a cruel mistress, where one day you’re on top of the world and the next you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel. As these politicians navigate the treacherous waters of public opinion, let’s all take a moment to appreciate the comedic tragedy that is modern politics. And remember, if all else fails, at least there’s always stand-up comedy – where the punchlines are scripted, and the audience is (hopefully) laughing with you, not at you.