Urging for Peace and Tolerance Amidst KwaZulu-Natal By-Elections
We understand that web users move across different devices to access information online. While it is essential for users to have a pleasant and secure experience, webpages must also be custom-tailored for each device to promote maximum user engagement and satisfaction. To ensure we are providing all our users with the best possible experience, we would like to invite you to view our website optimised for your device.
Our website has been designed to be device-agnostic, ensuring it looks great no matter what device you’re using. We’ve implemented responsive design techniques so that the website automatically adapts to different screen sizes and resolution, without compromising on the website’s usability and content. We’ve also incorporated touch-optimised elements to make navigating through the website easier on mobile devices.
We want our users to have the best user experience possible when visiting our site, and that’s why we’ve worked hard to ensure the website is consistently optimised for any device. We understand that users may want to switch between devices while engaging with specific content, so we’ve integrated a ‘Device Switch’ feature in the top right corner of the site. This allows you to easily switch from desktop to tablet, to mobile or landscape mode.
In addition to this, our website is also optimised for performance, loading pages quickly and efficiently. We’ve implemented server-side compression as well as minification techniques to speed up page load times. This helps to reduce your download time and improve your overall experience on the site. In addition, we’ve implemented advanced caching technologies to help further reduce page load times.
To enjoy the full capabilities of our website, we recommend that you click here to view our site optimised for your device. Whether you are using a laptop, tablet, mobile device or desktop, our site will adjust itself to match the size of your screen for a seamless user experience. We look forward to providing you with an enhanced user experience on our website.